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TripleC Education

TripleC Workshops

TripleC runs schools workshops for deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent young people. We use drama and theatre-based tools and exercises to create confidence, build self esteem, strengthen communication skills, discover and support self identity and reinforce self advocacy. We use roleplay to access real life situations that young people might not have accessed yet in life but certainly will in the future. We are able to use the roleplay within a safe environment to help overcome any blocks that might occur and strengthen confidence in carrying out everyday tasks. We also use roleplay and improvisation to discover emotions and feelings and work through how we might react to certain feelings whilst voicing how certain activities or situations make us feel.

Cherylee and Jed emotion looking happy during a Lancastrian school workshop wearing white T-shirts with the TripleC logo

TripleC curriculum

We match our sessions to tie in with the curriculum and can hold our workshops during enrichment sessions.

Disabled children have the same right to access the arts as everybody else. They have the same right to self expression and self discovery. As it stands, very few SEN schools are able to offer drama due to cuts in funding. We aim to source funding for schools projects ourselves.

TripleC Leaders

TripleC workshops are led by both disabled and non-disabled workshop leaders. This gives out the positive message of integration to young people from an early age.

The Next Generation

We want our next generation of young disabled people to grow up with the confidence to tell people exactly what they need and express the areas of work they would like to pursue. We support them to talk about their passions and hobbies and have the confidence and self-esteem to access activities outside school.

TripleC Contact

For Further information please contact us at 

[email protected]