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Writing on top of splattered paint background "Are you a deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent visual artist? Triplec / DANC is looking to display four artists’ work at The Manchester Art Fair. Showing this November. Application closing date: Sunday 25th September, 5PM'

TripleC at Manchester Art Fair 2022 – artist call out – deadline 2nd oct

Easy read and BSL versions of this information are also available above.

We have some exciting news! TripleC will be having a booth at Manchester Art Fair this November. This will be our first appearance at the Fair and is another step towards growing our visual arts strand and being able to showcase deaf, disabled and/or neurodivergent artists to a wider audience.

As well as sharing more about our work, we will be sharing four artists’ work on the TripleC booth, with a few pieces each. Please see below for information on how to apply to be one of our showcased artists. The Art Fair dates are 4–6 November 2022.

Deadline for submissions is by 5pm on Sunday 2nd oct 2022.

You will be notified by email if your work has been selected by 5pm on  Friday 7th oct 2022. Please remember we only have space for  four artists on the booth this time around.  If you have been selected, we will be in touch very soon after notifying  you, to get the work from you ASAP to get it to the framers.

If you have any questions or need support to make this application please  email [email protected] with MANCHESTER ART FAIR QUERY in  the heading of your email. We will aim to respond within three working days 

(but please remember that the application deadline is final and cannot be  extended).

Please Fill in the aplication below or email the following information to [email protected] with MANCHESTER ART FAIR in your heading. The deadline is 25 September. 

Your name 

Your pronouns (e.g. she/her) 

Your postcode/location 

Your email address 

A short artist biography/statement. This should be around 100 words in  length 

3 JPEG photos of your work, taken straight on and in focus. These need  to be no more than 3mb each in size 

The information for each work, to include: title, medium, size in cm and  price 

Where possible, we would love for you to attend a portion of the Art Fair  so that you can chat with audiences and buyers, but this is not a  requirement. Please let us know if you would be up for this.

TripleC at Manchester Art Fair 2022 – artist call out – deadline 25 Sept

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, mp4, png, pdf, jpeg, Max. file size: 999 MB, Max. files: 3.
    Where possible, we would love for you to attend a portion of the Art Fair so that you can chat with audiences and buyers, but this is not a requirement. Please let us know if you would be up for this.

    We are happy to receive this information in whatever format is most accessible to you – text, video, voice recording. Please just make sure that you cover the information listed above, whatever format you choose.

    The two selectors for this opportunity are TripleC Director Monique Jarrett and  Jennifer Gilbert of the Manchester based Jennifer Lauren Gallery.